Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Monday, January 11, 2010

Cross Country Skiing

I'm back to Cross Country skiing !!

When I was very young my father took me quite often cross country skiing and I hated it ! When I got a bit older, around 10 I started downhill skiing.... I also hated it. Then a little bit later, around 13 I started snowboarding; that was cool, I snowboarded quite intensively for about 15 years. Then I got tired of having to drive at least 45 minutes to the mountain, paying loads of $$$ to go down icy hills and drive back. So I started snowshoeing. Every time it snowed I would go out the backyard to the cycle path and walked in the snow for an hour or so. That was cool, it's a good workout, I did not have to drive anywhere and it was free.

And then last year, one snowy January morning, just after breakfast, I didn't feel like putting on my snowshoes.... So I drove to the store and came back with backcountry nordic skis ! I still don't know what crossed my mind that morning but it's been a good thing so far. I still don't have to dirve anywhere, I just walk 5 minutes to the trails and off I go for anything between 5 to 20 km of on and off trail skiing. It's by far the best workout I have ever done. It is peacefully quiet in the woods, it's free and everonce in a while I get to see some deers.

And after spending the winter cross country skiing, I'm ready to start road biking in great shape !

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Sunday, January 3, 2010

Chilly Dog

Oh yes, greyhounds are very sensitive to cold. And since the Montréal (Québec, Canada) area is submitted to some of the wildest temperature in the world, ranging from the hot and humid +30 degrees Celsius of August to the blistering cold -25 degrees Celsius of February, we must have very well filled wardrobe. Where else do you hang the lightest of linen short sleeve shirt next to a -35C approved down jacket, or have flip-flops and insulated Gore-tex winter boots in the same closet?

So back to my chilly dog. Most people, when the see a small dog wearing a shirt or coat, they go OH! it's so cute! But when they see a 80+ pounds, 32 inches high dog wearing a fleece coat, the comments sound more like this : Do you really need to dress him up ? And of course, after explaining that greyhounds have very little body fat and very thin fur to keep them warm, most people understand. And then, they ask the next obvious question : Were do you get a coat for such a big dog ? Well, living in an area where the most popular large breeds have think undercoat (Labs, Goldens, Bernese mountain dogs and Huskys), you won't find anything at you local pet store. So the answer is : go online and order a custom made doggy winter coat of course!

But you don't need just one, because the one coat you will use when it's -20 C in January will be way to warm for the mild 2 C of March. And let's not forget the cold rain in November. So my dog ended up just like it's humans, it has it's own very well filled wardrobe !

This shirt was order from DogGoneChic, it's perfect for mild temperature or to wear as a first layer underneath a warmer coat when it's really cold.

DogGoneChic also custom made this rain gear, breathable and waterproof fabric perfect for year round rain protection and it can also be use has a spring/automn jacket !

This is the all-around coat, medium thick fleece, hot enough to wear in mild sub-zero wheater when it's not windy and not raining. This one was bought "off the shelf" at a greyhound expo. Made by ClassyCouchPotatoes

And finally this is the full winter coat, water and wind proof outerlayer, insulated with a very thick fleece it cover the dog's behind, wraps around the furless belly and the neck piece comes up over the ears if needed. Custom made by LeDandy

Just another "fun" side of caring for a retired greyhound in a cold weather place !!

Enjoy those winter months !