Friday, July 10, 2009

Why I'm not a golfer

GOLF, I still don't get it !!

I'm not a golfer. My dad plays, my neighbor plays, some of my friends play, I don't. I just don't understand the fun in that game. I have been trying every year since 1995. Yeah, I play once a year at the office annual tournament. I know what you golfers are already saying : "Stick with it, you will get better. The game (sport for them) will get more interesting and more fun if you can hit the ball better." Well that's exactly where they are so wrong !!

I agree, in my first five games I sucked really bad at hitting that small white ball. But, in the following years, I have spent some time at the driving range and went through a good number of those buckets of white balls. So the hitting the ball part is now solved. I'm still not really good, but I can hit the ball pretty straight.... And guess what, I still don't like the game.

So many people have bragged about the "being outside, walking in nature, beautiful scenery, fresh air". Well if that's what you are after, why don't you find a mountain and go on a hike ?You don't need to carry a big bag full of clubs and submit yourself to a dress code to enjoy nature at is best !

Actually, what I hate the most about golf is not really the game, it's the protocol around it. Got to wear a polo shirt, tuck in those pants, those shorts are too short or to long, those shoes are not allowed on the course, No you cannot talk if that guy is even thinking of maybe taking a swing. And the looks from the "members" if you don't have the latest titanium-graphite-carbon clubs. Oh Yeah, there'd the how much did YOU play question from the guy who knows so bad that he's better then you !! I could go on for hours, but you get the point.

But for all you golfers out there keep swinging and don't worry, I will still be giving the game a try next year and the year after. Maybe, just maybe, someday I'll understand !!!

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