Sunday, July 5, 2009

You Can't make everybody happy

It is just so true, no matter how hard you try, you just can't make everybody happy. Somehow somebody won't be please with something !!

I often find myself organizing stuff (diner, out-of town week-ends, get togethers, etc..) for friends, family, co-workers. I don't really know why, it just happens to be this way. Over the years, I have tried so hard to think of every details that would make everybody smiling happy ! Well guess what ?... I have failed. People won't tell you right away, but over time you will find out that you buddy's girlfriend did not really like going to that pub or that guy at work really don't like eating sushi. It might take a couple days or a couple months but you'll found out.... Even if you thought you took care of everything, and they seemed happy, even if they thank you... Trust me, somebody was not pleased !!

But don't worry, you just cannot make everybody happy. So what to do ? Well, I found out that a person is more likely to appreciate an event if they have a role, a task, something to do with it. It could be something simple like calling a few people to confirm their presences or to bring a dish to a party. It just brings out that feeling of fulfillment in people. When you are involve in something you just appreciat it better and you are less likely to focus on the bad things then if you are just in for the ride.

So just do your best, be honest and if somebody ask if they can help, say yes and find them something to do !

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